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Ways to light your mood everyday

Do you find your room plain, and boring? You can keep it minimalistic, just by using one lightbox. It will be in a perfect setting beside your books, and piles of your favorite stationeries, while you study. Or simply, you want to create positive vibes in your working space, why not? We say our body and mind function the best when we are in the best setting.

Bubble Speech Light Box

You will also see that there are many youtubers, that work at home, or study bloggers, they will be using a lot of minimalistic products, and one of them, that I see often is the Cinema Lightbox. I feel it is the starting point to style your room differently everyday, by buying only one product.

My tips for you is that:

  1. Put down your favorite quotes, and change them every week or even everyday. Because we all know that inspiring quotes will make you thrive to continue in your dreams. A simple ‘’You can do it’’ can change your mind!
  2. Put the lightbox right next to where you work, your office, and not near your bed, because you want a productive day ahead of you!
  3. Add some colors to your lightbox. Mood = colors, ain’t I right? I associate color with different moods, because that’s how colorful our lives are. You can style your lightbox with different color of tiles, or use our other type of lightbox (Bubble Speech), you can write your own quotes, in different colors.
  4. If you are the type to sleep with lights on, you can try that, because the LED lights are super safe to use. You will rest like a baby, and have a soothing experience, and a sweet dreams!
  5. Decorate your lightbox with emojis, and small pictures, because one image = 1000 words, we say. Sometimes, you do not have to explain your mood with words. Make it shiny and bright, so you can easily work with it.
Cinema Light Box

Those are my top 5 tips on how I light up my room in the most efficient way. The lightbox is lightweight, and can be used everywhere in your house, work office, anywhere you want to display. Easily reusable, and a small investment in your room. Very adaptive to your Instagram, it will help you showcase a bit about your happy life.

Always remind yourself that you have goals and give yourself some care, because a happy mind, means you will be more productive.

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